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Author: Accredited Broker

Accredited Broker

Media to Promote Australian Property

Accredited Broker | 19 July, 2011 Several economists have the belief that televised Property shows played a large role in the 2001 to 2003 Australian property boom. Every channel had some sort of “be a

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Westpac trying to reduce sales through brokers

John Kehoe | AFR | 19 July, 2011 http://afr.com/p/business/financial_services/big_four_and_online_mortgages_threaten_Dhl4mp70EtLv659DfbpfvMING Direct, Australia’s fifth-largest home lender, has delivered a stern wake-up call to mortgage brokers, telling them to lift their game or risk becoming irrelevant. Lisa Claes,

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What to do if your client is in financial hardship

It was topical a few months ago that borrowers in financial hardship could ask for assistance from their home lender. A lot was in the papers but there was no substance how or what specific

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Proposed carbon tax weighs on property sector

Benjamin Preiss | SMH | 18 July, 2011 http://www.smh.com.au/business/proposed-carbon-tax-weighs-on-property-sector-20110717-1hk0e.html Uncertainty about a carbon tax, and messy state and federal government relations, are among the greatest problems facing the real estate sector, an industry forum has

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Home loan rise signals recovery

Home loan rise signals recovery AAP | SMH | 11 July, 2011 http://www.smh.com.au/business/home-loan-rise-signals-recovery-20110711-1h9rz.html A 4.4 per cent rise in home loans in May suggests the housing market is starting to pick up after the slowdown

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Calling Women to the Industry

Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg looks at why a smaller percentage of women than men reach the top of their professions -- and offers 3 powerful pieces of advice to women aiming for the top of

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Economic heat means interest rate rise is looming for home owners

http://www.news.com.au/money/interest-rates/consumer-price-index-rose-16pc-in-march-quarter/story-e6frfmn0-1226045561164 Australian Associated Press | April 27, 2011 Prices in Australia's economy have been growing faster than expected, figures showed today, meaning the Reserve Bank is likely to be forced to lift interest rates sooner

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Australian banks lax on consumer credit, says report

http://www.theaustralian.com.au/business/banks-lax-on-consumer-credit-says-report/story-e6frg8zx-1226041194814 Scott Murdoch | The Australian | April 19, 2011 The major banks have been accused of lending too much to Australian consumers and underestimating the cost of living, which could lead to tighter lending

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Bank clients switch to mortgage brokers

http://www.theaustralian.com.au/business/industry-sectors/bank-clients-switch-to-mortgage-brokers/story-e6frg96f-1226038741289 Scott Murdoch | The Australian | April 14, 2011 A growing number of Australian bank customers are using a mortgage broker to secure a new home loan, as the major banks remain dominant in

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Affordability sees renters hit in capital cities

http://www.news.com.au/money/property/affordability-sees-renters-hit/story-e6frfmd0-1226035082007 Australian Associated Press | April 07, 2011 Renters continue to be squeezed as the deteriorating outlook for home affordability pushes up demand for rental properties. House rents increased in every capital city except for

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Accredited Broker