Did bank regulator APRA slip up on its interest rate floor? And could it cost Australians their homes?

Michael Janda| ABC| 13 December 2022 Depending on how high interest rates go — and how bad the latest property bust gets — it could go down as among the worst decisions in Australian financial regulatory history. No

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What happens to the economy if people can’t pay their home loans?

UNSW Business Think| Analysis| 7 November 2022 What happens to the economy if people can't pay their home loans? - UNSW BusinessThink As Australia sees mortgage stress and other cost-of-living pressures rise, can it avoid

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How To Kick-Start A Mortgage Broking Career

How To Kick-Start A Mortgage Broking Career

Are you looking to own your own business with a great income?  Then come and meet us at our office for a mortgage broking industry seminar on Wednesday 12th April 2023 at 6pm in North Sydney. How To

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How all the bloomin’ rate rises are affecting the spring market and you

How all the bloomin’ rate rises are affecting the spring market and you

Nathan Mawby| Real Estate| 19 September 2022 How all the bloomin’ rate rises are affecting the spring market and you - realestate.com.au Interest rate hikes have piled on hundreds of dollars of hip-pocket pain for

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What is loyalty tax and how do you avoid paying it?

What is loyalty tax and how do you avoid paying it?

Kate Farrelly| Domain| 29 August 2022 What is loyalty tax and how do you avoid paying it? (domain.com.au) Picture this scenario. You’ve reached the front of the line at your favourite cafe and happily pay

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House prices are falling. Confidence is edging up. Is it a good time to buy?

House prices are falling. Confidence is edging up. Is it a good time to buy?

Tawar Razaghi| Domain| 14 September 2022 House prices are falling. Confidence is edging up. Is it a good time to buy? (domain.com.au) Home buyers have a stronger chance of getting into the property market this

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Housing market will return to balance in 2024: Stockland CEO

Housing market will return to balance in 2024: Stockland CEO

Nila Sweeney and Michael Bleby| Australian Financial Review| 19 September 2022 Stockland CEO Tarun Gupta predicts housing market balance by 2024 (afr.com) New housing demand will pick up in the next 18 to 24 months

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New MFAA CEO seeks greater broker market share

New MFAA CEO seeks greater broker market share

Jayden Fennell| Australian Broker] 13 September 2022 New MFAA CEO seeks greater broker market share (brokernews.com.au) The new CEO of the MFAA says she is well aware of the challenges that brokers face, including channel

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Long term trends in property finance

Long term trends in property finance

There’s no doubt that the property market is in a downturn – with the Reserve Bank predicting price drops of around 15 per cent. However, one major developer is predicting the market will be in

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When will we reach peak interest and what will happen to the property market?

When will we reach peak interest and what will happen to the property market?

Interest rates have increase by 1.75 per cent so far – and more rises are predicted.  But how far will they go up and what will be the impact be on the property market? All

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