Government’s Grants & Assistance Finder

Are you? – A business owner or keen to start your own business?
At a glance: – The Government has a readily available online tool that helps you search for a wide variety of business grants and assistance programs for free.
You should: – Consider using the tool to locate potential grants or assistance available to you.
– Contact us if you require any clarification or advice.

1. The Grants & Assistance Finder tool is an Australian Government initiative that offers simple and convenient access to all Government information, forms and services you may need to plan, start and grow your business.

2. The state and territory governments, the Australian Government and some local councils provide grants and other funding programs which may require time and effort to locate and understand.

3. The Grants & Assistance Finder tool allows you to search with ease for relevant business grants available to businesses in categories ranging from innovation and employment to the environment.

4. Some key features of the service are:

5. The ability to choose multiple states and territories;

6. A ‘favourites’ setting to save grants you are interested in;

7. A question and answer filter to narrow your search results; and

8. Tabs for ‘new’ and ‘most popular’ grants.

9. The Grants & Assistance Finder tool is free and can be accessed here.

Remember: – Be aware of unauthorised sites that offer access to government grants for a fee.

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