The Skills-Value Matrix

By Anil Puri

This is the 2nd step to take towards a more productive and effective use of your time.

In our previous Time Log video blog you got a good idea of where you are spending your time and where your time goes. The next step is to map out all of your regular activities into our Skills/Value Matrix.

The Skills/Value Matrix is a 3×3 grid with Skills (required) on the x-axis and Value (to the business) on the y-axis. Classify all of your regular activities into either Low, Medium or High skills and value and plot these on the grid.

This will give you a path to follow – delegate the Low Skills / Low Value activities and tasks first (the bottom left-hand corner of the matrix) and then continue to delegate more and more tasks (moving diagonally to the right) as your business grows. We’ve attached the tool below that you can use.

And remember, you don’t need employed staff to start delegating. Use casuals, contractors and other service providers (e.g. bookkeeper, virtual admin service, etc) to start.

Let us know if you need a hand with this process and all the best on the path towards more freedom…

Contact Us if you would like a copy of the Skills-Value Matrix template to complete.

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